Senin, 08 Februari 2010

just a CLICK to VOTE

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Glee !

Glee is phenomenon! :D

The song, the comedy, the drama.. just so perfect!
Glee is different, and a worth-watching indeed!

Go listen to Glee cast cover - Merci, Smile, My life would suck without you and their hits Dont Stop Believing :)

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Dream the Untouchable

Dreaming... something that untouchable is hurt.

Sometimes i was like "stop dreaming! you've to wake up!", but then i know that all the successful people start everything from DREAM.
They dream, they believe, and they have faith on what they do.
So, dreaming the untouchable is still hurt, but if you believe it, if you're sure of what you're dreaming, then I am sure enough to say that it will comes true :)

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

My Sister

"fragile + slob + kind + sweetheart + crybaby + rock-headed + laughable = Eva Agustina"

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

I Can't.

Gue tau apa yang gue mau dan apa yang harus gue lakukan.

Tapi gue gak bisa... Jelas sangat berat buat ngelakuin itu.
Gue gak mungkin bisa ngelepasin apa yang udah terjalin indah selama ini..
Mungkin emang ini bisa bikin gue jatuh, tapi ngga papa...
asalkan gue tetep bisa melihat senyum itu...

Tetaplah tersenyum :)

I'm Lost

I need someone to hold, and hug me when i'm cry..
I need someone to show me the right direction

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Good Bye

Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Today, i realized. I finally realized what is the reason i start everything, so good bye to everything that take me away from what i really need and supposed to do.

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